Heritage online (2017)

heritage online is the autobiographical story of a Filipino-Mexican girl exploring her mixed-race identity through the internet. Plummeting down a rabbit hole of curious Google searches and nasty Facebook comments, she devours quesadillas, figures out how to wear a malong, and playfully dances in traditional garb between her virtual explorations. Although she feels rejected by the bombardment of voices cruelly invalidating her ethnic selfhood, she also comes upon loving sentiments which affirm her dual identity and validate her challenges in finding intercommunity acceptance and feeling like a genuine Asian-Latina.
Screened at Trinity Square Video's Video Fever program.
Screened at Trinity Square Video's Video Fever program.

REBOUNDOM is a sincere net art documentation of a modern rebound relationship from beginning to end, situated on the Newhive platform. The piece explores the intricacies of the rebound cycle and a healing process specific to the digital era. Characterized by themes of manipulation, meaningful vs. empty connections, and art as therapy, the piece illustrates the hardships of committing to a healthy recovery process through art creation, while resisting the pernicious temptation of rebounding.
Exhibited at E-stranged Love and Petal Tears.
Exhibited at E-stranged Love and Petal Tears.
everywhere (2015)

everywhere is a net art piece surrounding the inescapable ubiquity of a former flame's common namesake.
Created on the Newhive platform and exhibited at UR ROOM 3 and Stockholm Showww.
Created on the Newhive platform and exhibited at UR ROOM 3 and Stockholm Showww.